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Having established West Kirby Art Group via our exhibition last July there are a couple of initiatives that might be of interest to you.
I have been talking to Tony Whoof who owns and runs the Arts Centre and he is keen to develop the profile of the Arts Centre Exhibition space.
We have been offered the chance as West Kirby Art Group to have a changing exhibition of our work displayed in the Centre from Friday 22nd September until the end of November.
If you would like to exhibit I would be grateful if you would confirm that with me asap, and come along with your pictures at 12.30 on Friday 22ndSeptember, so that I can start hanging the work.
I think it best if we keep the art work at eye level so that when the furniture is moved to the side of the hall the work can still be seen. This means that work could be displayed across each 4ft board. I think each artist will have at least one board.
As in our July exhibition we will need the following:
Name on your board: contact details - please send mobile number, e mail address, and website. Kirsty and Anna have kindly offered to produce labels, so you only need to send the information asap to
Labelling of work: Each piece of work needs to be labelled on the back with - name of artist - title of work - media - date - price. From this Kirsty and Anna will produce a list of exhibits and exhibitors. Again, if you already know the work you are showing you could send this information to Kirsty asap
Costs: 30% of sales to be donated to the Arts Centre. Sales: Payment for work and then to artists, will be progressed via the Arts Centre Loss or damage to work : Any loss or damage to artwork is at the artists own risk.
Publicity: Lindsey is producing a poster to advertise the exhibition. I will upload the information onto my Facebook page and it would be great if we all try and publicise it as well
Access: The show will be viewable when the centre is open for events and at other times by arrangement with Tony, this seemed to work well for our previous show. Additionally, Dave Walsh is developing a website for the West Kirby Art Group to promote our paintings and drawings and the classes, again if you would like to be included please let me know. I envisage that each group member will have a page to showcase their work. It is important to note that you can include work from the classes or your own paintings on the web site and from the September exhibition. Please let me know if you have any questions.
……..and best of all - classes start again on Monday!